personal stuff Archive

The 5 Cards that Life Deals Us

Have you ever played Poker? Or any card game for that matter? Do you agree that, after a good shuffle of the deck of cards, you really don’t have any influence on what cards you are dealt with? In the game of life as ...Read More

My Top 10 Realizations After Firing My Boss

The struggle is real A few of you may know that I’ve let go of my corporate, steady income, high-paying software development job. I said thank you and goodbye to my comfort zone. After all, everything I want in life is just outside my ...Read More

My Earliest Memory of Saving and Delaying Gratification

Haha! Do any of you guys remember this console? This was like the Sony Playstation of the early 90’s! Anyway, I’m writing about this super snazzy and super awesome game console because this is related to my earliest memory of delaying gratification. Delayed gratification ...Read More