I am on a Race Against Risk


It’s NOT EASY approaching my friends, family, and colleagues to talk about the importance of LIFE INSURANCE, HEALTH INSURANCE, and INVESTMENTS.

What most of them see is another EXPENSE to be deducted from their income.

What most of them don’t see is that I may be the LAST INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL that they will talk to.

No one knows when these RISKS can win the race with me:
⚠️ Untimely Death
⚠️ Being Disabled
⚠️ Getting Critical Illnesses
⚠️ Inflation eating away their bank accounts

That’s why this career is NOT FOR EVERYONE.

If you are only here for the MONEY, you won’t last long. 🙅‍♂️

If you are, however, concerned about the SICK CYCLE OF FINANCIAL DEPENDENCY, then this is for you. ✅

If you want to provide families with PEACE OF MIND that if anything unfortunate should happen (sickness, death, disability) they will continue to have the financial capability to continue their lives, then this is for you.✅

If you want to make sure that when people retire they will have the DIGNITY to live independently and not become a BURDEN to their family especially their children, then this is for you.✅

If you want to really CONTRIBUTE to spreading Financial Literacy and make sure that Pinoys have the mindset and skill to handle and manage money properly, then this is for you.✅

Be part of my ELITE Financial Advisers.

We have an EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM that will train and equip you to become the best Financial Adviser you can be.

We’re spending THREE BILLION PESOS for this program.

Contact me today and I will guide you on your journey to becoming the BEST VERSION of yourself.

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When he is not busy watching "The Office", lounging at the beach, or playing 1st person shooting games, Argel consistently invests in the stock market, both local and global. He loves learning through books, training, seminars, and workshops. He also helps Pinoys create, manage, grow, and protect their wealth as a globally-certified Professional Financial Advisor. Get in touch with him by sending an email to contact[at]argeltiburcio.com

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