AIA Philam Life Customer Rewards Program – FAQs

Good news for Philam Life policyholders and for those who don’t have their Philam Life policies yet!

As our way of rewarding you for keeping your policy active through the years, we are giving you the AIA Philam Life Rewards program. 

A first in the industry, this program allows you to choose specific treats in exchange for points earned from doing simple actions. 

Rewards are flexible to your liking with over 200 dining and shopping options made available for you to enjoy nationwide.

With this new Philam Life Customer Rewards Program, it makes it clear that choosing us to be your life insurance and health insurance partner a no-brainer!

So, what’s in store for you when you choose us? Watch the video below:

Exciting, right!?

Now (until further notice), it’s easier and more convenient for you to get your own Philam Life policy!

It’s now possible to apply and get insured without going out of your homes.

Yes, you can now just simply contact me here or here and I can guide you to the best plan that fits your needs.

Lets’ go!

Send me a message or comment below 🙂 

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When he is not busy watching "The Office", lounging at the beach, or playing 1st person shooting games, Argel consistently invests in the stock market, both local and global. He loves learning through books, training, seminars, and workshops. He also helps Pinoys create, manage, grow, and protect their wealth as a globally-certified Professional Financial Advisor. Get in touch with him by sending an email to contact[at]

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