#TiburcioTipidTips : 3 Compelling Reasons to NOT Set Your Goals This Year [Video]

Happy new year!

Are you still making “New Year’s Resolutions”?

Or have you upgraded to “Setting Goals”?

Before you start this year with your goals, here are three reasons why you should NOT set your goals this year:

Goals reduce your current happiness

Why? Because it develops a mentality of you being happy ONLY when you achieve your goal. So what happens if you don’t achieve your goal? It’s better to focus on the systems or the processes instead of achieving the goal.

Goals are at odds with your long-term progress

Why? Because if you focus on goals what’s left for you to look forward to after it’s achieved? If you stick to systems/processes you won’t be attached to the results and you will be developing good habits that will set you up for the long term.

Goals suggest that you can control things that you can’t

Why? Every time you set a goal, you try to plan where you will be and when you will make it there even though you have no idea what circumstances or situations will arise. The solution, install feedback loops on your systems/processes to continually adjust what’s not working and continually enhance what’s working.

So, instead of setting a financial goal this year, set a specific money management strategy that will develop your discipline of saving and investing.

But wait!

Goals are still great to PLAN your life’s progress, but the Systems/Processes will guarantee that you will actually MAKE progress. So, don’t start erasing them just yet.

Check out the video below if you prefer watching:

Have you changed your mind about setting goals? Don’t forget to share this with your friends and relatives by clicking the buttons below:

To our success in all areas of life,
Argel Tiburcio, PFA
Let’s connecthttps://snapt.io/argeltiburcio

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When he is not busy watching "The Office", lounging at the beach, or playing 1st person shooting games, Argel consistently invests in the stock market, both local and global. He loves learning through books, training, seminars, and workshops. He also helps Pinoys create, manage, grow, and protect their wealth as a globally-certified Professional Financial Advisor. Get in touch with him by sending an email to contact[at]argeltiburcio.com

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